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SEO Management Agency | SEOAgente Kit Digitalizador
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Digital Marketing Agency SEO Agency in Palma

Clients and Online Projects

In order to become one of the best SEO agencies in Mallorca is, beyond a doubt, to be able to implement marketing strategies adapted to customer needs. The truth is that it is impossible to put a website in the top search results on Google if you know nothing about your client or their product. Besides, assuming that your target audience is located in the Balearic Islands, it is always advisable to hire an SEO Agency in Mallorca because it will be more familiar with all the customs, habits and idiosyncrasy of the inhabitants of Mallorca, Menorca, Formentera, and Ibiza. In the end, market knowledge is one of the Fundamental Principles of Online Marketing.

For this reason, it is realistic to assume that all companies and professionals who want to hire SEO services look for SEO Management agencies that have the following characteristics:

  • Understand the project they want to position.
  • Consider the objectives in the short, medium and long term.
  • Be creative and innovative.
  • Assure transparency in the work they do.
  • Transform information into value.
  • Perform activities which generate verifiable and measurable results.

However, in addition to all these characteristics, our SEO Agency also offers to our clients:

As you can imagine, these aspects are highly important to any business when it comes to hiring SEO services. Very few SEO agencies take into account these little details to rank their clients' websites in Google’s search results. Therefore, before choosing your SEO Agency in Mallorca, we invite you to discover all the benefits it offers to its clients.

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...because professionals hire professionals.

Appointments and Web Modifications

Unlike many other SEO agencies, we love meeting with our clients to discover what they need and what they are looking for. Thanks to these appointments, we can decide some web modifications and provide extra services. We are fully involved in every project we work on as if it were ours, building long-term relations with our clients to give them an advantage over competitors who are not in receipt of this assistance (customized SEO service). It will not take you 6 months to realize how we are, you will see it from the very beginning of our partnership. We like understanding all the projects that our clients trust us with and we love achieving results for them. Why? Because we know that if they win, we will too!

The key to all of this is that we love our job. We love working at a Search Engine Optimization agency which offers marketing services to make sure your online presence grows. Such services include SEO positioning, Google Ads, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) positioning, and Online Reputation Management (ORM).

SEO Management Agency | SEO

Total exclusivity: We do not work for your competition

Did you know that digital marketing agencies (be it SEO, SEM AdWords, social media, etc.) that work for a real estate company have no problem in working for other real estate companies? What is worse is that they have no problem at all with using the same strategies. What do you think about it?

You may wonder: ‘So, which one of these real estate companies will rank n#1 on Google? By helping one of these clients, are they not harming the other companies?’ As you can imagine, the answer is obvious: there is only one first position on Google, which means that they can only offer a quality service to just one client, even if they all pay the same. At Yagle, our strategy is completely different. Our contract does not allow us to work for your competitors. Neither does our ethics.

Therefore, we make a contract whose exclusivity clause requires us to work for one client per sector, understanding this to be a business that offers certain products in a specific area (Mallorca, Spain, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, etc.) Of course, this may make our service a bit more expensive, but we must bear in mind that all the online techniques and strategies we work on belong to one client.

Our own Marketing Tools and Methodology

The more our clients know about digital marketing, the easier it gets for them to choose the SEO Management Agency that best suits their needs. It is not enough to only know the team members, their professional career or the work they do, but also it is essential to know the marketing tools they use.

Nowadays, there is a wide variety of online marketing tools available in the market. In regards to web positioning or SEO positioning, the use of such tools is of vital importance to be able to, for instance, monitor the position of clients on Google, detect links recommending their product, discover code errors in websites or find problems when complying with Google’s guidelines. Among the most famous online marketing tools that SEO agencies use, we can highlight SEMrush, Cognitive SEO, Ahrefs, Sistrix, Majestic, Moz or SEO Profiler. However, it is funny to discover that, when using 4 or 5 of these tools at the same time, the results they offer are totally different (even for the same query). Each tool finds different numbers of backlinks, errors or alerts according to their own criteria.

Thus, after this, it is highly probable that from now on you will start thinking that we should not trust in current online marketing tools and you are right. These tools are merely for rough guidance purposes, which means that they will never justify a change of strategy to help you increase your position. In fact, this is the most common mistake made by professionals in the sector, as they rely entirely on the data provided by these marketing tools to decide how to position their clients.

For this reason, at Yagle, we create our own marketing tools to offer our clients a service in which every single step we take is based on a justified reason.

A team of SEO Experts with experience in the sector

Our team is composed of teachers in marketing and SEO positioning who, for more than 15 years, worked at Academia Animartec, a Digital Marketing Academy located in Palma de Mallorca which has focused on SEO in Mallorca. Furthermore, although some of our students have done their internship with us in order to improve their knowledge, they have never taken part in our clients’ projects. This is very important since it is another aspect that definitely differentiates us from our competition. As you may know, many SEO agencies have interns or trainees in their team to save costs, which adversely affects their clients.

The fact that our team is comprised of qualified and experienced teachers brings an added value to our clients. Moreover, we should not forget that such team is led by an SEO consultant widely recognized on the island for his lectures and work, who is also the director of a professional academy specializing in the online and digital world. As if that were not enough, the SEO training teacher and the SEM AdWords teacher work in harmony with the Web Design teacher and the Graphic Design teacher to decide and carry out the necessary web modifications to optimize our clients’ websites. By doing so, we surely improve their position in Google’s search results, as well as increase their ROI. As a result, not only do our clients enjoy a qualified team, but they also have a coordinated and united team who works constantly on their behalf.

SEO Management Agency | SEO

Plain Language, without Technical Terminology

If you have investigated a little bit about SEO in blogs and forums, you should be familiar with words such as KPI, ROI, PPC, SEO, SEM, SMM, SMO, etc. The truth is that most companies and SEO agencies love using technical terminology. We, however, believe that our clients should be able to understand what we do to help them improve their online presence, so we try to communicate with them using as few difficult terms as possible. That’s the reason why you may come and visit us and find us having a coffee with a client, explaining our strategy on a chalkboard.

Mallorca, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Basque Country, etc.

Although we have extensive experience positioning websites in Mallorca, it is a mistake to think of us as an SEO Agency in Mallorca. Why? Because we have clients in other provinces of Spain, and we carry out marketing campaigns for all of them, be it local SEO, national SEO or international SEO. What's more, is that one of our main competitive advantages is our own server infrastructure, which allows us to position our clients on Google in other countries (Germany -> Google.de, United Kingdom -> Google.co.uk, Sweden -> Google.se, etc.) without relying on inaccurate online tools. In this way, our team can perform a strategic SEO positioning based on the objectives of each client. For example:

Even though this large number of combinations may seem a little bit tricky, the truth is that it is very easy to define the SEO objective of each client. To do so, you simply have to think about the following questions: Where are my users from? What language do they speak? Which search engine do they use?

Most importantly, we should not think that SEO in German necessarily means SEO in Germany on Google.de. Perhaps, our client is interested in the Germans who live in Spain. In that case, the search engine would be Google.es and the country would be Spain. These details are what make an SEO Consultant or an SEO Agency get good results in SEO positioning.

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