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Search Engine Marketing Services

Digital Marketing Services

SEO Services

Nowadays, any entrepreneur who wants their business to be successful should make every effort to get more visibility in the different platforms available on the market. The most important of which are search engines, social networks and applications because they attract a high volume of people.

Our Digital Marketing Agency offers a wide range of brand positioning services for all types of products and services, covering any need our clients might have in this digital marketing world. We have a team of professionals specializing in different technical fields (web programming, web design, graphic design, Google Ads, translation, etc.) who work together for a common purpose: getting the best results for your business.

Among the Search Engine Marketing Services that we offer to position your business on Google, we can highlight:

SEO and Online Marketing Services

In our positioning service, our priority is to carry out all the appropriate modifications to improve the visibility of our client on Google, ranking their business among the first search results for those keywords that their target audience use to find them.

At Yagle, we not only position our clients to be found by users who search from Mallorca, but also we position them for national and international searches. Besides, we can also rank their websites for different languages (Multilingual SEO) and, last but not least, on the different versions Google has for each specific language/country (Google.de, Google.es, Google.co.uk, Google.it, Google.fr, etc.), regardless of the user’s country.

Search Engine Marketing Services | SEO

On the other hand, these are some of the things you can expect from us if you hire our SEO Services:

  • Results or optimized web links (SEO itself).
  • Results or advanced web links (Rich Snippets).
  • Ranking on the first page of Google’s search results for more than one keyword.
  • Creation of your Business Profile on Google (Google My Business).
  • Management of Google My Business.
  • Ranking on Google Maps (Local Pack Results).
  • Featured news and Accelerate Mobile Pages.
  • Flight offers from Google Flights.
  • Definitions, synonyms, calculation results, etc.
  • Google Shopping products.
  • Google Image suggestions.
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...because hiring us is like having a 24-hour sales representative on the Internet.

Search Engine Marketing Services | SEO

Google AdWords Management Services

Our Google AdWords Management service is designed for clients who need to rank their business on the first page of Google in a short period of time. We can create, manage and optimize Google AdWords campaigns, in different languages and locations, to make the most of paid search marketing campaigns. However, it is important to stress that the more competition there is, the more expensive the pay-per-click (PPC) will be.

For this reason, when we have to create paid search marketing campaigns for our clients, we start by identifying the most profitable keywords for them, that is, taking into account parameters such as cost per click, search volume and conversion rates.

As you can imagine, SEM Services are especially indicated for seasonal products and flash offers, since in these particular cases an almost immediate interaction is required by the users, and there is not enough time to be ranked on Google in an organic way (SEO). Besides, this service is also advisable for any client during the first months of their SEO positioning, because as they are increasing their ranking on Google’s search results, their website gets quality traffic and visits from potential customers. Nonetheless, once the client is well positioned on Google, we recommend stopping these paid search campaigns as nobody wants to pay Google forever.

Online Reputation Management (ORM)

As specialists in Online Marketing, we cannot ignore the importance of reviews, ratings and comments acquired over the last few years. Such importance is due, for the most part, to the fact that these online opinions are written by users to qualify companies or services, giving first-hand information which may help others. Today, what users say about us can influence our potential customers, for better or worse.

For this reason, if you make a mistake, however small it may be, it can trigger an avalanche of negative opinions which, sometimes, go viral. This virality, while it is true that it does not last forever, will affect the quality of your product or service, and will define without a doubt what people will remember about you.

Search Engine Marketing Services | SEO

In short, if your online reputation is at risk, and you do not know how to deal with this issue in time, it will damage both your business image and the possibility to get new customers, decreasing the conversion rate. Therefore, in our Online Reputation Management Services we create online marketing strategies adapted to your current needs to find solutions that may please your users. At the same time, we do our best to restore the damage your business has suffered as much as possible, trying to get back the trust and confidence users placed in you.

Search Engine Marketing Services | SEO

CRO and UXO for websites

Though we have SEO consultants who can guide and advise you, we are not an SEO consultancy and, therefore, we prefer to leave the planning and development of Online Projects to companies which are specifically dedicated to it. At Yagle, our main task is to choose the best marketing strategy and do the necessary web optimizations to get the desired results.

Web optimization is put at the client’s disposal with the aim of analyzing their website. As a consequence, we carry out an audit to evaluate what should be done to improve our client’s results.

Moreover, we focus on users' behaviour to identify the problems that may arise when converting. To do so we check bounce rate, web performance, navigability, web structure, and content organization, among other parameters. This gives us a clear idea of what our client’s website needs in order to make advertising work.

Consequently, we could say that in our web optimization service we also focus on UXO (User Experience Optimization) and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), as they both offer a better user experience while browsing the web and an increase in the conversion rate. Constantly working to make our clients the best companies in their sector is one of the many reasons why, apart from an online marketing agency, we are the leading CRO and UXO agency in Mallorca.

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